Consumer Services Guide (CSG)

Consumer Action Edition

The Consumer Services Guide is searchable directory of resources which can help you with consumer problems and questions. There are multiple editions of the ‘Guide’, some which deal with specific issues such as housing or credit. The full directory, the Consumer Service Guide Edition, provides access to all the resources collected by Consumer Action.


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    Privacy is an important right and means many things to many people. is here to help Californians better understand and protect their privacy rights.
    (added January 2025)
  • Hearing Industries Association
    The Hearing Industries Association (HIA) was formed in 1955 and serves as a forum for hearing aid manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and hearing health professionals. Our members are responsible for the majority of the over 3 million hearing aids that are purchased in the United States on an annual basis.
    (added July 2019)
  • CharityWatch
    CharityWatch (formerly the American Institute of Philanthropy) is a nationally prominent charity watchdog service whose purpose is to help donors make informed giving decisions.
    (added December 2018)
  • Virginia – Fairfax County Consumer Affairs Branch (DCCS)
    The Consumer Affairs Branch (CAB) is a clearinghouse of information for consumers, businesses, tenants and landlords. CAB provides voluntary mediation for consumers who are unable to resolve a complaint with a business regarding a transaction that occurred in Fairfax County, and tenants who have an issue with a landlord in Fairfax County. Information, community outreach, and referrals regarding Virginia consumer protection laws and Virginia tenant-landlord…
    (added April 2018)
  • San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (SFILEN)
    SFILEN works to achieve this mission of immigrant rights through building grassroots leadership, providing free immigration legal services and comprehensive legal assistance, promoting community education, and organizing to empower the immigrant community.

    We have organized and implemented this system to respond to the heightened enforcement actions be Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
    (added January 2018)
  • The DO-IT Center
    The DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through technology and education. It promotes awareness and accessibility—in both the classroom and the workplace—to maximize the potential of individuals with disabilities and make our communities more vibrant, diverse, and inclusive.
    (added August 2016)
  • National Military Family Association - Resources for families with disability
    Support for military families with special needs family members is provided through the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). Although each Service has its own EFMP, they all serve the same essential function: coordinating the assignment process to ensure special needs families are not sent to locations that lack adequate medical or educational resources.
    (added August 2016)
  • RetailMeNot Inc - Reduce the 'Noise'
    Reduce the 'Noise' is a blog within RetailMeNot website that provides advice that helped people with sensory overload to enjoy shopping.
    (added July 2016)
  • California - Department of Justice's Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit
    The Department of Justice’s Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit enforces state and federal privacy laws, empowers Californians by showing them how to better control their personal information when they use innovative technologies, promotes smart online behavior by offering timely resources for consumers, parents and educators, works with companies on privacy trends and offers best practice guidance, and advises the Attorney General on privacy matters.
    (added February 2015)
  • California - Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI)
    The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) provides protection to consumers and services to businesses engaged in financial transactions. The Department regulates a variety of financial services, products and professionals. The Department oversees the operations of state-licensed financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, money transmitters, issuers of payment instruments and travelers checks, and premium finance companies. Additionally, the Department licenses and regulates a variety…
    (added February 2015)
  • Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
    HERA is a California statewide, not-for-profit legal service and advocacy organization dedicated to helping Californians — particularly those most vulnerable — build a safe, sound financial future, free of discrimination and economic abuses, especially in the realm of housing. HERA provides free legal services in-person, by phone, fax, or email.
    (added October 2014)
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
    The central mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans — whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. Congress established the CFPB to protect consumers by carrying out Federal consumer financial laws. Among other things, they: - Conduct rule-making,…
    (added December 2011)
  • Wisconsin - Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
    The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is the state’s primary consumer protection agency. The Bureau of Consumer Protection has broad authority to regulate unfair business practices. View the Consumer Protection webpage
    (added May 2011)
  • Virgin Islands - Division of Banking and Insurance
    The mission of the Division of Banking and Insurance is to serve and protect the public interest by aggressively enforcing the insurance, securities and banking laws in the Virgin Islands, while at the same time, assisting the insurance and banking industries to better serve the public.
    (added June 2010)
  • Public Justice
    Public Justice is America’s public interest law firm. Through creative litigation, public education, and innovative work with the broader public interest community, they: * protect people and the environment; * hold the powerful accountable; * challenge government, corporate, and individual wrongdoing; * increase access to justice; * combat threats to our justice system; and * inspire lawyers and others to serve the public interest.
    (added June 2010)
  • National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)
    The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) is the nonprofit membership organization for the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and Client Assistance Programs (CAP) for individuals with disabilities. Collectively, the P&A/CAP network is the largest provider of legally based advocacy services to people with disabilities in the United States.
    (added June 2010)
  • Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)
    HLAA provides assistance and resources for people with hearing loss and their families to learn how to adjust to living with hearing loss. HLAA is working to eradicate the stigma associated with hearing loss and raise public awareness about the need for prevention and the importance of regular hearing screenings throughout life.
    (added June 2010)
  • Ohio - Division of Financial Institution
    The Division of Financial Institutions regulates Ohio's State-chartered financial institutions and consumer finance companies. The Division charters depository institutions, licenses non-depository financial services, and conducts on-site examinations. All examinations, supervision, and regulatory activities are performed by Division staff who specialize in the operations of each of the specific industries. The Division's Office of Consumer Affairs works to provide education to Ohioans regarding borrowing and related…
    (added June 2010)
  • Ohio - Bureau of Motor Vehicles
    The mission of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles is to provide prompt, courteous, and efficient services to the public while fulfilling our obligations as set forth in the motor vehicle laws of the State of Ohio.
    (added June 2010)
  • Office of Personnel Management
    The Office of Personnel Management is committed to promoting the ideals of public service, championing the Federal workforce, achieving excellence in what we do, advocating for innovative human resources practices, attracting and developing the best people for Federal service.
    (added June 2010)
  • North Carolina - Secretary of State
    The mission of the Secretary of State of North Carolina is to serve and protect citizens, the business community and governmental agencies by facilitating business activities, by providing accurate and timely information and by preserving documents and records.
    (added May 2010)
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
    The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. All told, FINRA oversees nearly 4,750 brokerage firms, about 167,000 branch offices and approximately 634,000 registered securities representatives. Created in July 2007 through the consolidation of NASD and the member regulation, enforcement and arbitration functions of the New York Stock Exchange, FINRA is dedicated…
    (added May 2010)
  • Missouri - Division of Finance
    The Missouri Division of Finance regulates state-chartered banks, trust companies, consumer credit facilities, mortgage brokers, and savings and loan institutions.
    (added April 2010)
  • California Health Advocates
    California Health Advocates is a Medicare advocacy and education organization in California. They are a non-profit and receive financial support from a broad range of private and public organizations. Their work includes advocacy & policy and education.
    (added March 2010)
  • American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)
    AAIDD promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
    (added February 2010)

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