Consumer Services Guide (CSG)
Consumer Action Edition
The Consumer Services Guide is searchable directory of resources which can help you with consumer problems and questions. There are multiple editions of the ‘Guide’, some which deal with specific issues such as housing or credit. The full directory, the Consumer Service Guide Edition, provides access to all the resources collected by Consumer Action.
Browse By Date
- Board of Registered Nursing (BRN)
The Board of Registered Nursing regulates the practice of registered nursing and certified advanced practice nurses in order to protect the public. The Board exists to protect the health and safety of consumers and promote quality registered nursing care in California.
(added July 2007) - California - Respiratory Care Board, Dept. of Consumer Affairs
The mandate of the Respiratory Care Board is to protect and serve the consumer by administering and enforcing the Respiratory Care Practice Act and its regulations in the interest of the safe practice of respiratory care. Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioners (RCPs) regularly perform critical lifesaving and life support procedures prescribed by physicians that directly affect major organs of the body. RCPs provide care directly to…
(added July 2007) - Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board
The mission of the Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology & Hearing Aid Dispensers Board is to protect the consumer by requiring adherence to statutes and regulations designed to ensure the qualifications and competency of providers of speech-language pathology and audiology services. The SLPAB is an agency within the California Department of Consumer Affairs. This board receives complaints against speech-language pathologists or audiologists.
(added July 2007) - Veterinary Medical Board
The mission of the Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) is to protect consumers and animals through development and maintenance of professional standards, licensing of veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians, and diligent enforcement of the California Veterinary Medicine Practice Act.
(added July 2007) - Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians
The mission of the California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (Board) is to protect the public. Public protection is paramount to the Board and its highest priority in exercising its licensing, regulatory and disciplinary functions. Toward this end, the Board ensures that only qualified persons are licensed vocational nurses and psychiatric technicians by enforcing education requirements, standards of practice and by educating consumers…
(added July 2007) - Court Reporters Board
The mission of the Court Reporters Board is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by ensuring the integrity of judicial records through oversight of the court reporting profession. The CRB carries out this mission by testing, licensing and disciplining court reporters, and by recognizing the schools of court reporting that meet state curriculum standards.
(added July 2007) - Consumer Information Center (CIC)
The Consumer Information Center (CIC) is an information resource for California consumers. CIC is operated by the Consumer and Community Relations Division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs. When consumers have problems in the marketplace, they call CIC's toll-free number, (800) 952-5210, to obtain assistance. Staff members can help find the right government agency to help with a particular problem, and they can also…
(added July 2007) - Board of Behavioral Sciences
The BBS is responsible for consumer protection through the regulation of Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT); Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW); Licensed Educational Psychologists (LEP); Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors (LPCC); MFT Interns (IMF); Associate Clinical Social Workers (ASW); and Professional Clinical Counselor Interns (PCCI) in the State of California. It is one of the boards within the California Department of Consumer Affairs.
(added July 2007) - Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
BBC's responsibilities are protecting and educating consumers who seek barbering, cosmetology, and electrology services. BBC also regulates the individuals who provide the services and the salons in which the services are performed.
(added July 2007) - California - Athletic Commission
The California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) regulates professional and amateur boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts throughout the State by licensing all participants and supervising the events. The Commission is dedicated to the health, safety and welfare of participants in regulated competitive sporting events, through ethical and professional service.
(added July 2007) - Architects Board
The California Architects Board (Board) was created in 1901 by the California Legislature to fulfill the mission of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public through the regulation of the practice of architecture in California. It is one of numerous boards, bureaus, commissions, and committees within the Department of Consumer Affairs responsible for consumer protection and the regulation of licensed professionals. The Board…
(added July 2007) - Arbitration Certification Program (ACP)
The Department of Consumer Affairs' Arbitration Certification Program (ACP) certifies and monitors third-party arbitration programs of participating automobile manufacturers to ensure compliance with California laws and regulations governing resolution of warranty disputes involving new/used vehicles purchased with the manufacturer's new-car warranty. The ACP also ensures that certified programs conduct dispute resolution in a fair and expeditious manner.
(added July 2007) - Acupuncture Board
The mission of the Acupuncture Board is to protect, benefit, and inform the people of California by exercising the licensing, regulatory and enforcement mandates of the Acupuncture Licensure Act.
(added July 2007) - California - Department of Consumer Affairs
The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) protects and serves California consumers while ensuring a competent and fair marketplace. DCA helps consumers learn how to protect themselves from unscrupulous and unqualified individuals. The Department also protects professionals from unfair competition by unlicensed practitioners.
(added July 2007) - National Fair Housing Advocate
The National Fair Housing Advocate Online is a resource designed to serve both the fair housing advocacy community and the general public with timely news and information regarding the issues of housing discrimination. This site is maintained by the Tennessee Fair Housing Council.
(added May 2007) - California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD)
The mission of CSD is to administer and enhance energy and community service programs that result in an improved quality of life and greater self-sufficiency for low-income Californians. Community Services & Development (CSD) is a state department of the California Health and Human Services Agency. CSD administers federal programs to help low-income families achieve and maintain self-sufficiency, meet their home energy needs, and reside in…
(added May 2007) - Alliance to Save Energy
The Alliance to Save Energy offers consumers all the information they need to save money, increase comfort, and even reduce pollution through energy efficiency. - Cut your home utility bills — freeing money for other things. - Increase your comfort. - Reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. - Increase national security. - Relax while energy-efficient technologies and products continue producing these benefits for you day…
(added May 2007) - Sonoma County Legal Aid (SCLA)
Legal information and clinics in the areas of eviction, family law, child support and custody for Sonoma County residents with low incomes. All clinics are by appointment only. Bilingual (Spanish-English). Workshops Open To Anyone.
(added April 2007) - Sonoma WORKS
The SonomaWORKS Program is designed to help you find a job to support you and your family. The program will help you become an advocate for your own self-sufficiency.
(added April 2007) - Family Youth and Children's Services (Child Protective Services-CPS)
The Family, Youth and Children's Services Division works with individuals and the community to ensure the safety and well-being of children under 18. Staff provides protective and supportive social services in the belief that children and their families deserve stable nurturing homes, a supportive environment, and a sense of personal empowerment and hope.
(added April 2007) - Sonoma County Adult and Aging Services
The Adult and Aging Services Division of Sonoma County works with individuals and the community to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable adults. Staff provides protective and supportive social services as well as community training and coordination. The staff advocates for and strives to achieve the goals of safety, health, dignity, and independence for older adults, veterans and persons with disabilities.
(added April 2007) - Sonoma County - Small Claims Advisory Service
Assistance and procedural information on matters related to Small Claims Court. Information and materials provided on: case preparation, procedures for filing, collecting court judgments, self representation in court, etc. Will provide information on cases outside of Sonoma County. No translators for non-English speakers available. Must provide their own interpreter for Small Claims services and for their court hearing. Cannot represent in court and will not…
(added April 2007) - Recourse Mediation Services
RECOURSE offers community members ways to work through disagreements together, in an atmosphere of respect, by providing mediation and education services, regardless of how little they can pay.
(added April 2007) - Sonoma County Sheriff
This department provides law enforcement, court security services and detention services to the citizens of Sonoma County. Helps with an eviction when a Writ of Possession has been issued by the Court in an Unlawful Detainer Action.
(added April 2007) - Sonoma County Human Services Department
The goal of the Sonoma County’s Human Services Department (HSD) is to protect and improve the well-being of the individuals and families who reside in Sonoma County – especially those who cannot protect themselves. They accomplish this by providing many different forms of assistance, including employment services, in-home support to aging and disabled individuals, Veteran’s services, foster care, food stamps, cash assistance, and eligibility for…
(added April 2007)