Consumer Services Guide (CSG)

Consumer Action Edition

The Consumer Services Guide is searchable directory of resources which can help you with consumer problems and questions. There are multiple editions of the ‘Guide’, some which deal with specific issues such as housing or credit. The full directory, the Consumer Service Guide Edition, provides access to all the resources collected by Consumer Action.


Records Found: 11


  • Alabama Department of Public Safety
    The Department of Public Safety is a full-fledged, statewide law enforcement agency comprising six divisions: Administrative, Alabama Bureau of Investigation, Driver License, Highway Patrol, Protective Services, and Service. The Department website has information regarding highway and traffic safety, driver licensing, criminal investigations, missing children and much more.

  • American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
    The American Society of Travel Agents’ mission is to enhance the professionalism and profitability of member agents through effective representation in industry and government affairs, education and training, and by identifying and meeting the needs of the traveling public.

  • Aviation Consumer Protection Division and Enforcement
    The Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings, including its Aviation Consumer Protection Division, monitors compliance with and investigates violations of the The Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings, including its Aviation Consumer Protection Division, monitors compliance with and investigates violations of the Department of Transportation’s (Department) aviation economic, consumer protection, and civil rights requirements. The…

  • California Highway Patrol (CHP)
    Field offices can determine if automobiles meet the state's safety, noise or smog regulations. Consumers with questions regarding their vehicles should call a local field office. Check telephone book for locations throughout the state.

  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
    The mission of the Department is to serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that meets our vital national interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future.

  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), (DOT)
    Contact for problems with any FAA responsibility such as carry-on luggage and child safety seats. (For problems that do not involve safety call the Department of Transportation.)

  • Motorists Assurance Program (MAP)
    MAP is a comprehensive effort to improve service to auto repair customers and has been designed to assure customers consistent and high quality service.

  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
    You can register a complaint regarding anything involving vehicle safety and learn if there is an active investigation. Recording provides information on vehicle safety, recalls and defects. Give make, model and year of car to learn if it has been subject to a recall or is under investigation. Crash test data is available; also gives information on child safety seats. Leave your address and the…

  • National Passport Information Center - U.S. Department of State
    For information on U.S. passports, including the status of pending applications, as well as locations of the over 4,500 passport acceptance facilities.

  • Travel Consumer Restitution Corporation
    In 1995, the California legislature enacted the Seller of Travel Law, creating the Travel Consumer Restitution Fund for the benefit of consumers located in California who suffer losses as a result of the bankruptcy, cessation of operations, insolvency, or material failure of a seller of travel to provide the transportation or travel services contracted for. The Travel Consumer Restitution Corporation (TCRC) was created to decide…

  • Visa Services (Dept. of State)
    For information on U.S. visas for foreigners.


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