Consumer Services Guide (CSG)

Consumer Action Edition

The Consumer Services Guide is searchable directory of resources which can help you with consumer problems and questions. There are multiple editions of the ‘Guide’, some which deal with specific issues such as housing or credit. The full directory, the Consumer Service Guide Edition, provides access to all the resources collected by Consumer Action.


Records Found: 228

    Consumer Information

  • Bureau of Land Management - DOI
    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior, administers 261 million surface acres of America’s public lands, located primarily in 12 Western States. The BLM sustains the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

  • Bureau of the Fiscal Service, (DOTT)
    The mission of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service is to promote the financial integrity and operational efficiency of the federal government through exceptional accounting, financing, collections, payments and shared services. They will transform the way the government manages its finances and delivers shared services. Their goal is more efficiency, better transparency, and dependable accountability.

  • Calaveras County Housing Repair Program
    Calaveras County can assist low income individuals with low-interest loans, deferred loans, or other types of loans depending on your income level and need. You may qualify for a home repair loan even if you have been turned down by other lenders.

  • California - Department of Consumer Affairs
    The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) protects and serves California consumers while ensuring a competent and fair marketplace. DCA helps consumers learn how to protect themselves from unscrupulous and unqualified individuals. The Department also protects professionals from unfair competition by unlicensed practitioners.

  • California - Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
    Contact if you have a complaint against a used or new car dealer concerning registration and sales or warranty repair problems. For service warranties, see the Federal Trade Commission or the Department of Insurance. DMV also regulates driving schools, dismantlers and registration service providers. For a referral to a DMV investigator, contact your local DMV office.

  • California - Department of Rehabilitation
    This Department works with consumers and other parties to help provide resources, job opportunities, and equal services to people with disabilities. The website contains a list of the offices in many statewide locations.

  • California - Housing Finance Agency (CHFA)
    CHFA finances below-market-rate loans to affordable rental housing and assists first-time home buyers.

  • California - Legislative Counsel
    Founded in 1913, the Office of Legislative Counsel is a nonpartisan public agency that drafts legislative proposals, prepares legal opinions, and provides other confidential legal services to the Legislature and others. The office also provides computer services, data networking, and related customer services to the Legislature. This site features information on current and past legislative bills in the state of California. You can use this…

  • California - Office of Real Estate Appraisers (OREA)
    OREA licenses real estate appraisers and ensures that appraisers obey national and California standards and law. This agency also investigates complaints against appraisers. Site features consumer information, as well as license verification of appraisers.

  • California - Osteopathic Medical Board
    To protect consumers and promote the highest professional standards in the practice of osteopathic medicine, the Osteopathic Medical Board of California licenses osteopathic physicians and surgeons. The board investigates consumer complaints and uses its enforcement power to ensure practitioners abide by the provisions of the state Business and Professions Code/Medical Practice Act. To maintain their license, practitioners must successfully complete rigorous, periodic continuing education requirements…

  • California - Respiratory Care Board, Dept. of Consumer Affairs
    The mandate of the Respiratory Care Board is to protect and serve the consumer by administering and enforcing the Respiratory Care Practice Act and its regulations in the interest of the safe practice of respiratory care. Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioners (RCPs) regularly perform critical lifesaving and life support procedures prescribed by physicians that directly affect major organs of the body. RCPs provide care directly to…

  • California Department of Consumer Affairs Complaint Resolution Program
    The Complaint Resolution Program is responsible for processing all consumer complaints that are filed against California businesses that are regulated by the following bureaus: Automotive Repair, Cemetery and Funeral, Electronic and Appliance Repair, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Security and Investigative Services, and Hearing Aid Dispensers. This Program works to promote a mutually acceptable resolution between disputing parties. The representative can propose terms to settle…

  • California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC)
    This foundation helps independent living centers promote themselves to disabled consumers. The website has vast list of web Independent Living resources and current job opportunities with contact information for people with disabilities.

  • California Health Advocates
    California Health Advocates is a Medicare advocacy and education organization in California. They are a non-profit and receive financial support from a broad range of private and public organizations. Their work includes advocacy & policy and education.

  • California Online Directory
    The California Online Directory is a service provided by the California Department of Technology. The Online Directory provides access to government information and services for state employees, local government and the general public. The directory services include state employee information, state agency information, and a State Government Organization Chart, as well as a keyword search.

  • California Public Utilities Commission
    The CPUC regulates privately owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies. The CPUC serves the public interest by protecting consumers and ensuring the provision of safe, reliable utility service and infrastructure at reasonable rates, with a commitment to environmental enhancement and a healthy California economy. We regulate utility services, stimulate innovation, and promote competitive markets, where possible. On this…

  • California State
    This page includes general information about issues facing California, messages from the governor and links to most state agencies.

  • California State Department of Fair Employment and Housing
    The mission of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing is to protect Californians from employment, housing and public accommodation discrimination, and hate violence. The DFEH's statutory mandate is to protect the people of California from employment, housing and public accommodations discrimination and hate violence pursuant to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), Unruh Civil Rights Act, Disabled Persons Act, and Ralph Civil…

  • California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA)
    On July 1, 2013 the new California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) opened its doors for the first time, carrying out the Governor's government reorganization plan, which included replacing the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency with a new state agency focused solely on transportation. As a result of these changes, CalSTA now consists of departments, boards and offices each with a focus on the safety and…

  • Carfax
    For a small fee, you can check the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of any car to learn more about its background. Consumer Action recommends that you check the VIN before you purchase a car.

  • Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Information Line, (HHS)
    CFSAN, in conjunction with the Agency's field staff, is responsible for promoting and protecting the public's health by ensuring that the nation's food supply is safe, sanitary, wholesome, and honestly labeled, and that cosmetic products are safe and properly labeled. The Center provides services to consumers, domestic and foreign industry and other outside groups regarding field programs; agency administrative tasks; scientific analysis and support; and…

  • Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
    The nonprofit organization conducts research, education, and advocacy on nutrition, health, food safety, and related issues as well as publishes the monthly Nutrition Action Healthletter, among other publications.

  • Center for Social Advocacy
    The Center for Social Advocacy is a 501(c)(3) incorporated nonprofit organization founded in 1969 and they are one of San Diego’s oldest civil and human rights organizations. They have stood as advocates for fair housing and mediated tenant/landlord issues, and still do so today. Other issues the Center for Social Advocacy addresses include: hate crime prevention, civil rights of first generation immigrants, human trafficking, youth…

  • Center for Study of Responsive Law
    The Center for Study of Responsive Law is a nonprofit Ralph Nader organization that supports and conducts a wide variety of research and educational projects to encourage the political, economic and social institutions of this country to be more aware of the needs of the citizen-consumer. The Center publishes a variety of reports on a number of public interest issues. If you are interested in…

  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) ten Field offices reorganized in February 2007 moving from a geography-based structure to a Consortia structure based on the Agency's key lines of business: Medicare health plans, Medicare financial management, Medicare fee for service operations, Medicaid and children's health, survey & certification and quality improvement. The intent of the new structure is to improve performance through uniform…


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